Ph.D., University of Missouri, 2007
Before TAMUK:
Worked as a Graduate Instructor and Research Associate at the University of Missouri.
- Has published articles in:
- International Journal of Drug Policy
- The American Sociologist
- Crime, Law and Social Change
Has published books on
- Federal Psilocybin Prohibition
- Death Penalty Abolition in the United States
- Lawyers Who Defended Accused Communists during the McCarthy Era.
Research interests:
- Criminal Justice
- Criminology
- Law and Society
Courses taught at TAMUK:
- Juvenile Delinquency
- Social Stratification
- Victimology
- Pluralistic Society
- Law and Society
- Peace Studies (Topics)
- Drugs and Social Control (Topics)
- Principles of Sociology
- Introduction to Criminology
Personal Information:
Dr. Wark enjoys hiking and traveling. He lives in Kingsville with a cat named Bounder.
Contact Information
Department of Psychology & Sociology
Manning 216
MSC 177 Texas A&M University-Kingsville
Kingsville, Texas 78363-8202
voice: 361-593-2693