Tutoring vs PAL
- Identifies and helps individual students that need additional assistance in general course topics.
- Provides academic tutoring by a tutor that is knowledgeable in specific course subjects.
- Students schedule appointments to meet with a tutor.
- Tutors are trained in collaborative learning and study techniques.
- Tutors assist students by an individual case-by-case need request.
- Tutoring is focused on helping students to understand general course content.
- Tutoring promotes independent learning and individual confidence.
- Tutoring extends the option of working in groups by a requested time for students to meet with a tutor together.
- The goal of tutoring is to facilitate student success and resolve immediate academic crisis.
Peer Assisted Learning (PAL)
- Identifies historically difficult courses and provides group learning sessions with a leader that has successfully completed the course.
- Provides PAL sessions by "PALs" who are also present in class lectures with students.
- PALs set specific session times that are available to students on a voluntary basis.
- PALs are trained in collaborative learning and study techniques.
- PALs provide on-going assistance to students enrolled in the course throughout the semester.
- PALs focuses on content, learning/study strategies and internalization of course content to ensure a passing grade in the class.
- Peer Assisted Learning promotes student interaction and mutual support between classmates.
- The goal of Peer Assisted Learning is to help students improve their academic performance and improve graduation/retention rates.