Syllabus for Robotics-1
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
MEEN 4355: Robotics I
2006-2008 Catalog Description:
Analysis of methods of design and operation of robots and robotic systems. Kinematics and dynamics of manipulators, trajectory planning and motion control, sensing and vision, discussion of command languages and planning of job assignments.
Term: FALL 2010
Credit Hours: 3 (3 hours lab)
Class and Lab Period: TBA EC140
Dr. Selahattin Ozcelik, Dr. Muhittin Yilmaz, Dr. Nuri Yilmazer
Text Book:
R. Siegwart, I. Nourbakhsh, Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots, MIT Press, 2006.
L. Sciavicco, B. Siciliano, Modeling and Control of Robot Manipulators, Springer, 2002.
Angeles, J., Fundamentals of Robotic Mechanical Systems, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 1997.
Craig, J.J., Intro. to Robotics: Mechanics and Control, 2nd Edition, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1989.
Fu, Gonzales, and Lee, Robotics: Control, Sensing, Vision, and Intelligence, McGraw-Hill, 1987.
Computer Usage:
Students use computers in this class for project assignments and design. ProE, MultiSim, MATLAB, Simulink are extensively used.
Grading Policy, Exams, Homework, etc.:
Weekly assignments for the project 500 pts.
Midterm progress report on the project 200 pts.
Semester-end progress report on the project 200 pts.
Satisfactory peer mentoring activities at college and high school levels 100 pts.
This is a first class in robotics and students registered for Robotics I must take Robotics II in the following Spring semester. This course heavily requires lab activities and successful performance in this class requires that you attend to the class. Students will be divided into teams and each team will design and build a robot to do the task required by the IEEE Region 5 student robotics competition.
Course Contents:
Locomotion: Legged Mobile Robots, Wheeled Mobile Robots, Complex Wheels, Tracked Vehicles, Aquatic Vehicles, Flying Vehicles, Space Robots
Robot Kinematics: Coordinate frames, rotations, homogeneous coordinates, link coordinates, the direct kinematics problem, the inverse kinematics solution
Mobile Robot Kinematics: Kinematic Models and Constraints, Mobile Robot Maneuverability, Mobile Robot Workspace
Actuating: DC Motors, Gearing and Efficiency, RC Servo Motors, Stepping motors, Motor Control
Sensing I: Non-visual Sensors and Algorithms, Contact Sensors, Bumpers, Internal Sensors, Infrared Sensors, Sonar, Radar, Laser Range Finders.
Mission Statement:
The mission of the faculty of the Robotics I class is to give students the basic principles, design, analysis, and synthesis of robotic systems.
Course Objectives:
The objectives of the Robotics I class are to help students learn:
Coordinate frames, rotations, transformations, link coordinates, direct kinematics and inverse kinematics,
Locomotion types, robot workspace,
How to select and design motors, gear trains, and mechanisms,
Robot workspace analysis, joint-interpolated trajectories, ant trajectory planning of a robot,
How to design practical robotics systems,
Satisfactory peer mentoring activities at college and high school levels.
Course Outcomes:
(According to ABET descriptions)
(a) apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
(c) design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
(g) communicate effectively
Please see student handbook for
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