Syllabus for Robotics-2
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
EEEN 4355: Robotics II
2006-2008 Catalog Description:
Sensing II, Communications, Localization, Planning and Navigation, Practical Mobile Robot Tasks
Term: Spring 2011
Credit Hours: 3 (3 hours lab)
(Class Period: TBD
Dr. Reza Nekovei, Dr. Muhittin Yilmaz and Dr. Nuri Yilmazer
Text Book:
- R. Siegwart, I. Nourbakhsh, Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots, MIT Press, 2006.
- L. Sciavicco, B. Siciliano, Modeling and Control of Robot Manipulators, Springer, 2002.
- Rappaport, Thedore, Wireless Communications, Prentice Hall, NJ, 2002.
- Angeles, J., Fundamentals of Robotic Mechanical Systems, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 1997.
- Craig, J.J., Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control, 2nd Edition, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1989.
- Fu, Gonzales, and Lee, Robotics: Control, Sensing, Vision, and Intelligence, McGraw-Hill, 1987.
- Lewis, F. L., Abdallah, C. T., and Dawson, D. M., Control of Robot Manipulators, Macmillan Publishing Co., New York, NY, 1993.
- MATLAB/Simulink Software, The MathWorks, Inc.
Grading Policy, Exams, Homework, etc.:
- Weekly assignments for the project 500 pts.
- Midterm progress report on the project 200 pts.
- Semester-end progress report on the project 200 pts.
- Satisfactory peer mentoring activities at college and high school levels 100 pts.
Course Contents:
- Satellite-Based Positioning,
- Data Fusion, Biological Sensing, Visual Sensors,
- Image Features, Multiple Cameras, Active Vision,
- Signals and Systems, Kalman Filtering,
- Robotics Software and Interface Networks,
- Simple Landmark Measurement, Nongeometric Methods,
- Correlation-Based Localization, Global Localization,
- Geometric Maps, Topological Maps, Representing Space,
- Representing the Robot, Path Planning,
- Obstacle Avoidance, Navigation Architectures,
- Robotic Assembly and Manufacturing, Intelligent Vehicles,
- Space Robotics, Bomb and Mine Disposal, Underwater Robotics.
Mission Statement:
The mission of the faculty of the Robotics II class is to give students the basic principles, design, analysis, and synthesis of robotic systems.
Course Objectives:
The objectives of the Robotics II class are to help students learn:
- Coordinate frames, rotations, transformations, link coordinates, direct kinematics and inverse kinematics,
- Signals and Systems, Filtering,
- Source localization,
- Wireless communication,
- State equations of a robot, classical and intelligent control algorithms,
- Range sensing, Proximity sensing, touch sensors, force and torque sensing,
- Satisfactory peer mentoring activities at college and high school levels.
Course Outcomes:
(According to ABET descriptions)
(a) apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
(c) design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
(g) communicate effectively
Please see student handbook for
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Academic misconduct
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