Dick and Mary Lewis Kleberg College of Agriculture and Natural Resources


MEATS Workforce

Manager Education and Agriculture Technical Skills 

Project Director:  Dr. Tanner Machado (tanner.machado@tamuk.edu)

The goal of the MEAT'S Workforce project is to invest in underrepresented students to meet the needs of local and regional meat and poultry facilities through developing production workers, supervisors, and managers through training, certifications, and networking.  The project is targeting students who want to pursue technical job positions and targeting students who desire leadership job positions such as supervisors.

For the Students

  • Meat and Poultry Internships
  • Meat and Poultry Workshops
  • Meat Industry Certifications
  • Leadership Training
  • Networking opportunities at industry conferences/meetings.

TAMUK--Lead Institution

Palo Alto College

Students will be selected in the Fall of 2023

Fall 2023--Recruiting Student Participants