Dick and Mary Lewis Kleberg College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Student Resources

Procedures for Current Students

Withdrawing from a class

After mid-semester, dropping courses are not recommended unless there are extenuating circumstances. Your professor has the option of assigning you a "Q" or even an "F", so be sure that dropping the class is the best decision. In some cases, you may be able to obtain an "Incomplete" if some unexpected emergency or illness prevents you from completing the final requirements of the course, but you will have to complete those requirements soon thereafter.

Once you have made the decision to drop and have made arrangements with your professor, you will need to visit with your advisor and complete a drop form. Both the professor and your advisor will need to sign the form. The Office of the Registrar will then process your drop request. 

Important Note: if you have obtained funding through the Financial Aid Department, and register for a class but then fail to attend, you will be "flagged" by the university and required to pay back your funding.

Withdrawing from the University

Sometimes life brings the unexpected. If it becomes necessary for you to drop all of your classes during the semester, you must notify the Office of the Registrar and process a Withdrawal Form. If the withdrawal is before the mid semester point, then you will automatically receive a grade of "Q" in each course. If you do not process the withdrawal, you will receive a grade of F in each course, so take the time to do it right! Those grades will follow you around forever! 

Changing a major/Adding a minor

You will need to get a Change of Major form from your academic advisor or the Registrar's Office. Complete the form indicating the major, and then submit it to the Registrar's Office to be processed. Declaring a Minor is optional. Requirements for declaring a Minor.


Your status here at the university weighs heavily on your grades. For question regarding probation, calculating your grade point average, qualifying for the Honor Roll, and other issues pertaining to grades, read Grades and Academic Standing.

Important Registration Dates

Use TAMUK's  Academic Calendar to find out about important registration and tuition payment deadlines. We recommend that you mark this page on your computer, or print it out so you can refer to it frequently.

Tuition rebates

The State of Texas is now offering "tuition rebates" for students who complete their B.S. within a certain number of hours.