College of Engineering

Deans Office

College of Engineering Committees

College of Engineering Committees 2023-2024

1. Undergraduate Programs (one faculty member from each department)

  • CHNG – Dr. Patrick Mills
  • CEAE – Dr. Francisco Aguiniga
  • EECS – Dr. Lifford McLauchlan
  • EVEN – Dr. Jianhong Ren
  • MTEN – Dr. Jaime Cantu
  • MEIE – Dr. Larry Peel, Chair
  • Associate Dean Afzel Noore (ex officio)

2. Graduate Affairs Committee (graduate coordinator of each graduate program)

  • CHNG – Dr. Patrick Mills (CHNG and NG)
  • CEAE – Dr. Jong-Won Choi (CE)
  • EECS – Dr. Amit Verma (EE, CS & MHEN), Chair
  • EVEN – Dr. Tushar Sinha (PhD), Dr. Jennifer Ren (MS)
  • MTEN – Dr. Md. Monirul Islam
  • MEIE – Dr. Hua Li (IE) and Dr. Selahattin Ozcelick (ME)
  • Associate Dean Dr. Mahesh Hosur (ex officio)

3. Research Council (one tenured and one tenure-track faculty from each department)

  • CHNG – Dr. Patrick Mills
  • CEAE – Dr. Amir Hessami
  • EECS – Dr. Muhittin Yilmaz, Dr. Maleq Khan
  • EVEN – Dr. Tushar Sinha
  • MTEN – Dr. Delia Valles-Rosales and Dr. Md. Monirul Islam
  • MEIE – Dr. Hua Li and Dr. Shah Alam
  • Associate Dean Dr. Mahesh Hosur (Chair)

4. Resources Management (one faculty member from each department)

  • CHNG – Dr. Matthew Alexander
  • CEAE – Mr. James Glusing    
  • EECS – Dr. David Hicks
  • EVEN – Dr. Lucy Camacho
  • MTEN – Dr. Jaime Cantu
  • MEIE – Mr. Grady Isensee
  • Associate Dean Graduate Affairs and Research, Dr. Mahesh Hosur (ex officio)
  • Associate Dean Undergraduate Affairs, Dr. Afzel Noore (ex officio)

5. Promotion and Tenure (one tenured faculty member from each department. Environmental, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Chemical and Natural Gas Engineering representative must be full professors)

  • CHNG – Dr. Horacio Duarte (AP)
  • CEAE – Dr. Francisco Aguiniga (P), Chair
  • EECS – Dr. Habib Ammari (P)
  • EVEN – Dr. Jianhong Ren (P)
  • MTEN – None
  • MEIE –  Dr. Hua Li (P)

6. College Council (Voting members of the College Council shall consist of the deans, department chairs, and one member of the Faculty (elected by the Faculty for a two-year term). Other non-voting members (which may include key staff members) are added at the discretion of the Dean.  The Dean chairs the Council.)

  • Dean, Dr. Heidi Taboada
  • Associate Dean, Graduate Affairs and Research - Dr. Mahesh Hosur
  • Associate Dean, Undergraduate Affairs– Dr. Afzel Noore
  • CHNG – Dr. M. R. Riazi, Chair
  • CEAE – Dr. Breanna Bailey, Chair
  • EECS – Dr. Afzel Noore, Interim Chair
  • EVEN – Dr. David Ramirez, Chair
  • MTEN – Dr. Delia Valles-Rosales, Chair
  • MEIE – Dr. Vinod Kumar, Chair
  • IAEH – Mr. James Glusing, Director
  • JESSC – Mr. Austin McCoy, Director
  • Outreach – VACANT
  • HPCC - Dr. Robert Diersing, Executive Director
  • Executive Assistant to Dean – Ms. Tamara Guillen
  • Faculty Representative – Dr. Amir Hessami (September 2020 – August 2022)

7. PhD in Engineering Committee

  • Dr. Mahesh Hosur, Associate Dean for Graduate Affairs and Research, Chair
  • M. R. Riazi, CHNG
  • Afzel Noore, EECS
  • Vinod Kumar, MEIN
  • Breanna Bailey, CEAE