Institutes & Research



Funded by NSF


RET Site:  Integrating Data-driven research in Renewable Energy Across Disciplines (I-READ)
(Award #2206864)
This is a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) site. It is currently funded for three years (2021 to 2025). If you have any question about this project, please feel free to contact:

     Dr. Mohammad Motaher Hossain (PI),, 361-593-3341

    We just finished our Summer 2023 program. Check the video below for the highlights of our Summer 2023 Program and the Posters from Summer 2023 RET Participants!

We are now offering our Summer 2024 program

NSF I-READ RET Summer 2024 Program Brochure

Program Flyer

List of Research Projects in Summer 2024

Application Form for Summer 2024 (PDF Version)

Application Form for Summer 2024 (Word Version)