Business Services

Student Resources

Educational Expenses

Students are expected to pay all financial obligations to the university when due. Failure to meet such obligations will result in a student's record being placed on a hold status and may result in the student not being able to receive official transcripts or enroll for another semester. Failure to make room and board payments on time may result in the loss of meal privileges and eviction from the university residence hall. In all cases, the student will be duly notified and given a reasonable length of time to clear the obligation before the enforcement of disciplinary action. If account is not paid when due, the institution has the right to forward past due accounts to a collection agency and referral to the State of Texas to be put on State Hold. The student will be responsible for any and all collection costs necessary for the collection of any amounts not paid when due.

Students receiving university sponsored financial aid are expected to pay all financial obligations owed to the university at the time they receive the financial aid.

NOTE: Census day of the semester is the day that all tuition and mandatory fees must be paid in full. If all tuition and mandatory fees are not paid in full, a class or classes will be dropped for non-payment. The census day of the long semesters (Fall and Spring) is the 12th class day. The census day for the summer terms is the 4th class day. Census day is a drop day, if all tuition and mandatory fees are not paid in full.

Installment Payment of Tuition and Fees

Students selecting the installment payment plan may pay tuition and fees in three payments. There is a $15/$30 processing fee for choosing the installment payment plan. Students who select an installment payment plan need to be absolutely sure of all the classes/expenses, as only one plan is allowed. They are subject to the following provisions:

  1. Students receiving university sponsored financial aid equal to or greater than their tuition and fees MUST pay in one payment. All financial aid funds received after selection of deferred payment plan will be applied to account balance until paid in full.
  2. A late payment penalty of $25/$50 will be assessed for each installment payment not made on or before the due date.
  3. A student who fails to make full payment of tuition and fees, including any incidental fees, by the due date may be prohibited from registering for classes and receiving future financial aid until full payment is made. A student who fails to pay in full prior to the end of the semester may be denied access to see semester grades.

To view your personal tuition and fees breakdown, log into JNET and visit the "Paying for College" tab.

Guaranteed Tuition Rate

Effective Fall 2014, state law HB 29 required all public institution in Texas to offer guaranteed tuition plans for Undergraduate resident students. 

Texas A&M University-Kingsville elected to include both resident and non-resident undergraduate students in the tuition plans. 

New undergraduate students are placed into a new Guaranteed Tuition plan (JPAK) of the current academic year. Transfer students are placed into 1 of 4 active JPAKs based on their earned credit hours that transfer into the university. 

For transfer students, the guaranteed tuition rates are not guaranteed based on your tenure at this particular University but rather guaranteed on the basis of the life of your undergraduate career. Therefore, time and hours spent before transferring to TAMUK will impact the JPAK upon entrance and determine its longevity. 

Variable Tuition Rate

Beginning Fall 2016, new undergraduate students can choose to enter a 1-year variable tuition rate plan rather than the guaranteed tuition plan. Unlike the guaranteed rate plan, this variable-rate plan will adjust every year based on the Higher Education Price Index

Students will be able to change their tuition rate plan during their first-semester enrollment and can only make the switch once during their academic career at TAMUK. 

Mandatory Fees

(All fees are payable at registration.)

Athletic Fee

Funds are used to support the Athletic Department and entitle free admission to all varsity and recreational sports, athletic contests and other special activities.

Hospital Fee

Funds are used to support the Student Health Center, supplies and all operational needs of that center.

Orientation Fee

Funds are used to support the operation expenses involved with hosting orientation sessions for new students.

Recreational Sports Fee

Funds are used to support the operations of the Recreational Sports and entitles free membership to the facility.

Student Center Fee

Funds are used to support special activities for the students. In addition, a portion has been used for the renovation of the Memorial Student Union.

Student Service Fee

Funds are used to support student activities such as the Student Government Association, student musical organizations, The South Texan, the New Student Orientation and numerous other student activities.

University Services Fee

Funds are used to cover expenses for the following items: academic advising, library services, transcripts, student IDs, distance learning, campus safety and security, transportation, information technology and other university services as required.

Distance Education Fee

Students enrolled in an online course are assessed $60 per semester credit hour (SCH) for any 600 section course. Ex: ENGL 1301, 3 SCH = $180.

Online courses provided in the College of Business will continue with the existing fee structure of $60 per SCH for undergraduate students and $125 per SCH for graduate students.

Courses with this fee are identified when searching the Course Schedule accessible through the "Academics" tab above.

Parking Permit Fee

All persons who operate a vehicle on university property, and plan to park regularly, are required to register those vehicles online in the JNET portal under the Campus Resources tab and then Parking Spot. The Business Office located in College Hall, will issue a parking permit for designated areas. Student parking permits can be mailed or picked up at Blue and Gold Central located in the Memorial Student Union Building (MSUB). All student vehicles operated on the university campus must be registered within one week after classes begin. Refunds for student permits can be issued up to the 5th class day of any semester.

Detailed information on parking and traffic regulations can be found on the University Police Department website. Students and employees operating a vehicle on campus are responsible for reviewing regulations to be made aware of penalties for failing to register a vehicle and other traffic and parking violations, methods of obtaining refunds, procedures to follow when changing automobiles, location where vehicle may be parked, and a specific breakdown of fees to be paid.

Kinesiology Fee

For each kinesiology service course, EDKN 1105 through EDKN 1149, the student will be charged a special fee of $4 for towel service. In specified courses, an additional fee may be charged.

Laboratory Fee

For each laboratory course a fee of $2 to $30 is charged depending upon cost of materials used in the course.

Applied Music Fees

For personal lessons on keyboard, wind, string or percussion instrument or voice lessons, a fee of $75 per semester credit hour is charged.

Music Fees

Miscellaneous Music Fees
Fee Amount
Instrument Rental Fee $3 per semester
Marching Band members for three uniform cleanings $10 per semester

Three-Repeat Fee

A $100 per semester credit hour fee assessed after the 12th class day (15th for summer sessions) of the semester for attempting a class for the third and subsequent times.

Excessive Hours Fee

A $100 per semester credit hour fee assessed for the number of hours exceeding the minimum required to complete the degree plan above the set allowance.

Visitor's Fee

The fee for visiting a course for a person other than a full-time student is the same as that required for registration for credit. A full-time student pays no additional fee for visiting a course.

Other Fees

Miscellaneous Fees
Fee Amount
Late Payment Fee $35
Undergraduate (domestic) Application Fee $40
Graduate (domestic) Application Fee $50
International Application Fee $75
R.O.T.C. Special Service Fee, Per Semester $5
Thesis-Binding Fee for extra copy $10.09

Fines and Breakage Loss

Students are expected to exercise reasonable care of university property; an assessment will be made for any deliberate misuse. Students must pay all fines before they can receive a transcript of their credits or can register in the university.

Students registered for courses in chemistry will be notified at the end of a semester of breakage or loss of equipment and will be required to pay the amount due at the Business Office.

Detailed information can be obtained from the Office of Registrars webpage .
For students who have been dropped or will be withdrawing after the first class day, he/she
may be authorized a refund of tuition and applicable fees. Please refer to the Office of
Registrars webpage for percentage breakout.
Refund percentages will not be based on the total aggregated charge of registered credit hours,
rather will be based on a minimum of one credit hour and applicable fees. Mandatory fees
such as hospital fee, student center fee and rec sports fee will not be included in the refund
Student is in JPAK1920. Student has registered for 6 credit hours. Student was dropped on 5th
class day which allows the student an 80% refund and a responsibility of 20% of tuition and
fees.  Withdrawal from the University

The student will be responsible for 20% of the following charges:

  •  Tuition-at minimum 1 credit hour of $120.00
  •  Designated Tuition
  •  Student Service Fee
  •  Athletic Fee
  •  University Services Fee

The student will be fully responsible for the following charges:

  •  Hospital Fee
  •  Student Center Fee
  •  Rec Sports Fee

Calculation totals $724.47 but at minimum, student is responsible for one credit hour. System will
take the larger of the two amounts therefore the student would be responsible for a minimum of
$818.96 in addition to any other miscellaneous fees.


*For more information on Educational Expenses, please visit the Academic Catalog*

Dual Enrolled: High School Students

Dual Enrolled Students may go to the Dual Enrolled website for more information.