Student Health and Wellness

Disability Resources Center

Documentation and Eligibility Services

Documentation Guidelines

About Documentation

It is the responsibility of the student to provide information which verifies that the student's condition meets the definition of a disability as defined by applicable laws (i.e., Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008). Federal Law requires that requests for services for student with disabilities be considered on an individual, case-by-case basis.

Documentation Guidelines

Sources of information used for determining a disability and/or accommodation needs may include a student’s self-report, direct observation and interaction with the student, and/or documentation from qualified evaluators or professionals.

Student Self-Report:

Students should complete the online AIM registration process, which provides students an opportunity to describe their disability and accommodations they hope to receive. Students are encouraged to include a brief narrative that further describes their disability, their experiences related to their disability, barriers faced, and previous accommodations (effective or ineffective), and so on.


Disability-related documentation should provide information on the functional impact of the disability so that effective accommodations can be identified. Criteria for the source, scope and content of documentation differs by disability type. Documentation may include assessments, reports, and/or letters from qualified evaluators, professionals, or institutions. Common sources of documentation are health care providers, psychologists, diagnosticians, and/or information from a previous school (e.g., accommodation agreements/letters, 504, IEP, or ARD documents).  The Disability Resource Center DOES NOT accept documentation provided on a prescription pad. 

Documentation Elements:

1.   Typed on letterhead, dated, and signed by a qualified professional.

2.   Diagnostic Statement with any related diagnostic methodology (diagnostic criteria and/or procedures).

3.   Functional limitations or symptoms. (Limitations inform which accommodations are appropriate.)

4.   Severity and/or expected progression.

5.   Current medication(s) and any related side-effects.

6.   Current and/or past accommodations.

7.   Any recommended accommodations.

8.   For an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) a Verification Form for Emotional Support Animal Housing Accommodations  will also be required. 


How to Obtain Documentation 

The professional making the diagnosis of a disability should be an appropriately trained evaluator, such as a physician, psychologist, psychiatrist, or educational diagnostician. For example, an audiologist would diagnose a hearing impairment; a psychiatrist, psychologist, or clinical social worker would diagnose a psychological disability. Documentation from a family member or family friend is not acceptable.

Disability Resource Center reserves the right to request additional information or evaluation. However, information regarding resources to use in obtaining an evaluation is available from our office. We also maintain a list of local evaluators.